A few samples
of the many subjects and styles I live to capture.

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Your organization’s story is unique. I’ll help you tell it with distinctive images that set you apart.
Images for editorial and stock use, or simply to enjoy.
From crisp shots against pure white backgrounds to creative scenes.

Each style and subject I photograph emphasizes a unique set of skills. I draw upon this diverse experience every time I approach a new situation.
Photographing business and cultural events requires communication and planning. How I work needs to fit the situation. Sometimes a shot needs extensive setup. Other times, it’s best to fade into the background and shoot things as they happen. Most often, it’s a mix.
Travel and Nature photography teaches patience, perseverance and a bit of ingenuity. Conditions might not agree with one’s schedule, but there’s always something to photograph. The trick is to find the most interesting approach and in the best possible light.
Weddings call for speed and accuracy. The best moments are brief, requiring planning and anticipation. There’s no time to fiddle with equipment or debate lighting approaches, these things need to be instinctual.
Products and objects allow a bit more time, but include a many unique technical challenges from prepping the subject to careful lighting. The best photos are those which suit the purpose. These can span from the creative and natural to the technically clean – sharp from edge to edge against pure backgrounds.
Capturing compelling photos of people requires communication and creativity. Small changes in positioning or lighting can make all the difference. I cover everything from candid photo sessions to capture a moment in time, to group portraits, to head shots in the studio or the field.
I’m happy to answer any questions you have.
Portland – Oregon – USA